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VeriSign brings trust to the Internet.
Billions of times each day VeriSign helps companies and
consumers all over the world to engage in
trusted communications and commerce.
is the Web’s #1 security provider
VeriSign secures more than one
million Web servers worldwide, more than
any other Certificate Authority.
97 of the world’s 100 largest SSL-using
banks, over 93% of Fortune 500
companies, and 81% of the 500 biggest
e-commerce sites in North America use
SSL Certificates sold by VeriSign*.
VeriSign helped lead the development of
Extended Validation and has issued more
EV SSL Certificates than any other
Certificate Authority. VeriSign
SSL EV customers have measured an average increase of 17.8%
(based on 32 case studies) in
completed transactions.
VeriSign is the leading SSL provider
of SGC-enabled SSL Cert256-bit encryption
for over 99.9% of Internet users.
The VeriSign seal is the
most recognized trust mark on the Internet.
The VeriSign seal is viewed up to
250 million times a day on more than 90,000 Web sites in 160 countries and in search results on enabled browsers
as well as partner
shopping sites and
product review
86% of online
shoppers recognize
the VeriSign seal
when shopping or
transacting online,
and 11% said they
would not purchase
on sites not
displaying the
VeriSign seal
(VeriSign Brand
Tracking Research,
When Web site visitors see the VeriSign seal, they are less likely to abandon a transaction online. Customer case studies show a 10-34% increase in online transactions when a VeriSign seal is displayed.
CClick the Verisign image above to verify our trusted security profile.