PC Cleaner Inc. has attained GOLD
Certified Partner status in the Microsoft Partner Network.
This status recognizes PC Cleaner's expertise with Microsoft technologies and ability to meet customer needs.
As a Microsoft Certified Partner, PC Cleaner receives training, support and special tools to help the company grow.
By earning a Gold competency, we demonstrate a specific, proven skill set.
Partners with a Gold competency
have demonstrated the highest,
most specialized ability and commitment in a specific business solution area.
Microsoft recognizes
us for offering best-in-class solutions to customers and for undergoing a rigorous,
auditable approval process.
Through the Microsoft Independent
Software Vendor (ISV)/Software competency, we
can gain access to the latest technology resources that have been specifically created with ISVs in mind.
From planning the development cycle to supporting
our customers, we will have the tools and
resources we need to build innovative solutions and bring them to market.
Click here to see our Microsoft Partner profile.